What If a Root Canal Treatment Was Left Incomplete?

Root canal treatment involves cleaning out the infected or inflamed pulp area of a tooth. Root canals can save teeth and restore their function. Typically, after a root canal is complete the area is sealed to prevent future bacteria from entering the area. This can help keep infection out and leave your tooth intact. Crowns are usually placed after a root canal to protect the tooth underneath and allow you to use the tooth again.
If a patient had a prior root canal, and the dentist did not complete the procedure, this can lead to complications. If you have pain around the area and know you had a root canal that was never completed, we encourage you to schedule an urgent appointment in our office. Our doctors have years of experience in root canal therapy using advanced technology, and can help relieve your pain and potentially save your tooth.
What Can Happen if My Root Canal Was Left Partially Done?
During a root canal the infected area is cleaned out and sealed. If the root canal is not complete this can allow bacteria to enter the area again and cause infection. The infection can spread to other areas of the mouth or jawbone. Leaving a root canal unfinished can put the patient at risk for serious dental problems and medical conditions. If the infection is left untreated an abscess can develop and you will need emergency treatment.
If you are experiencing pain or have swollen tissue near the tooth where your root canal was completed, we encourage you to contact our office right away. Patients may also experience pain or tenderness near the jaw or neck. Infections can cause a fever and must be addressed right away. At Arlington Endodontics, we are trained to handle dental emergencies and our flexible hours and schedule allow our team to get patients in our office as soon as possible. Our team can perform an exam and help you get on the road to recovery.
Need to Schedule an Appointment?
If you think you had a prior root canal that was incomplete, and are experiencing pain or discomfort, contact Arlington Endodontics, and our staff will ensure you are seen as soon as possible.