Does a Failed Root Canal Mean its Time for a Dental Implant?

Root canals can save and restore your tooth after an infection, injury, or crack. Root canals have a 95% success rate, but in some rare cases root canals may not work, and your tooth may still have an infection. There are symptoms you may experience that can indicate your root canal is failing. These symptoms include prolonged pain, persistent swelling, discharge, or an abscess around the area. If you experience any of these symptoms it is likely you have a failing root canal, and need to contact our office right away. Never leave a tooth with complications after a root canal untreated, as this can lead to more serious issues.
Why Do Root Canals Fail?
Before you discuss if a second root canal is needed, or if a dental implant will solve the issue, it is important for our team to determine why your root canal failed. In most cases it is simple to correct a failed root canal, and typically this is caused from the tooth not being cleaned out completely, or from a root that was missed.
Common Reasons Root Canals Fail
Cracked Root
If your root fractures this can make sealing the root canal difficult during the procedure. If the area is not sealed properly this can allow bacteria to enter, and cause an infection or pain.
Canal Branches
Some of our teeth have multiple canals, and in some cases they can not be seen or can hide behind one another. If there was an undetected branch that was not cleaned out and sealed this can cause your root canal to fail.
Another tooth or filling may have been in the way during the root canal procedure. The area may not have been cleaned out thoroughly, and resulted in a failed root canal.
What Are My Choices?
If you have a failed root canal, the severity will determine if you should have a second root canal, or look at dental implants as an option. Our team will evaluate the tooth, and determine what your treatment options are. We will discuss our recommendations and help you decide what works best.
When deciding if a second root canal or implant is needed our team will take a look at the condition of the tooth, and see if the tooth can be restored. If the infection has progressed, a second root canal may not be an option. Some patients may have gum disease around the tooth, and this can compromise the tooth, making a second root canal not possible.
At Arlington Endodontics, we always try to keep your natural tooth. If you have a failed root canal and a second root canal is not an option, our doctors will look at dental implants. Implants are typically the best option when a second root canal cannot be performed, and can easily remedy the situation, and restore the functionality of your tooth.
Interested in Finding Out More?
If you think you may have a failed root canal and are in need of treatment, please call our office. Our doctors are specialists, and have years of experience in root canal therapy, as well as dental implants. Let us help you become pain free and get you on the road to recovery.
At Arlington Endodontics, we use state of the art technology, and create a calm and welcoming environment for all of our patients. We provide quality dentistry that you can trust, and always provide the highest level of service.
To schedule your appointment with us, contact Arlington Endodontics, and our staff will ensure you are seen as soon as possible.